Not Painting Related - Quincy

My 14 year old diabetic kitty, Quincy, was diagnosed with a lower jaw tumor yesterday. It all started when he lost one of his few remaining teeth and what the vet and I thought was a root infection is now a tumor. Quincy had an insulin crash and was sent to the ER about 3 weeks ago and I had noticed his jaw was a bit swollen and pointed it out to the vets. They gave me antibiotics for it. I went to my vet a week later to check his blood and the swelling was still there. We talked about the infection and checking back to consult about surgery to get the root out. The vet mentioned casually maybe a tumor, but it seemed more likely an infection still. So, more antibiotics some pain meds (although he has never seemed in pain) and back home for another 10 days. I went in yesterday gripping myself more over the conversation of surgery and the cost only to be completely blindsided when the vet looked at him and immediately said, "cancer."
Aside from his lower jaw, he's his old laid back self. He's always has had quite the appetite and still does. I've never had anybody, human or pet, close in my life with cancer. This news has been extremely hard for me. Like all of you with your pets, I adore him and he's been with me through so much. I'm more needy than he is now! Please keep Quincy in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks, y'all. Court
ReplyDeleteYou have my sincerest sympathy. Not only have I lost two pets to cancer in their old age, I remember how emotionally traumatic it was to try and do right by them. As humans who love our companions, we want to make it all better. Sometimes "all better" is just loving them each day they remain with us and being sure they are as pain-free as possible. Don't be too hard on yourself. Quincy will appreciate knowing you are doing your best. He may even surprise you as you take this particular journey together.
Thank you, Adele. That means A LOT.